Did Tony Romo date Carrie Underwood? A look at the former QB’s love life

Tony Romo might be retired now, but he’s still in NFL circles. The former Dallas Cowboys quarterback is an analyst for CBS games and he makes a fantastic pairing with Troy Aikman, another former Cowboys quarterback.

The duo really is a fun listen during NFL games. They started their playoff run as analysts in 2023 for the game between the Miami Dolphins and the Buffalo Bills.

As a former Cowboys quarterback, Romo’s personal life was always under scrutiny and everything he did was noted by the media, such as his personal relationships. One of the most remembered by fans and journalists is when he dated singer Carrie Underwood as soon as he became the starter in Dallas.

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Tony Romo had a relationship with Carrie Underwood

From 2006 to 2007, Tony Romo and Carrie Underwood had a loving relationship. But things did not end well.

While not much was said when they broke up, they tried to play as if it was a normal breakup. The quarterback said that it was a pleasure to meet the singer and that they’re friends, while she pointed out that his focus was on football.

  Tony Romo

She said:

This was all during 2007, but two years later, Underwood brought the relationship back to the spotlight, saying that Romo “did her wrong”. She was asked if the song ‘Cowboy Casanova’, released in 2009, was about her ex, but she was quick to shut down anything.

After dating Underwood, Romo spent two years in a relationship with singer and actress Jessica Simpson. The pair split up in mid-2009.

In 2011, he married Candice Crawford and they have three sons together.

Underwood has been performing the opening song for NBC’s Sunday Night Football since 2013.

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