Marjorie Taylor Greene re-elected in Georgia as she vows to impeach Biden and target ‘traitors’

Right-wing Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has won a second term representing Georgia’s 14th District in the House of Representatives, defeating Democratic challenger Marcus Flowers, according to the Associated Press.

Ms Greene, a staunch supporter of former president Donald Trump and promoter of antisemitic conspiracy theories such as QAnon, was widely expected to carry the heavily Republican district, which has been represented by a Republican since former Democratic Representative Nathan Deal switched parties in 1995.

She has made repeated calls for Joe Biden to be impeached since she took office, and on Monday took to Twitter to predict that it “will be easy” to take action against the president if Republicans ultimately take control over the House.

“Throwback to January 12, 2021. I will never forget voting NO against Nancy Pelosi’s political assassination attempt by impeaching President Trump with ZERO evidence,” she tweeted. “We will impeach Biden with proof. It will be easy.”

It is unclear on what grounds Ms Greene believes that Republicans will be able to impeach the president and the maths are not in her favour.

The GOP needs a simple majority in the House to pass articles of impeachment but a two-thirds majority in the US Senate to convict a president. One-term president Donald Trump was impeached a historic two times, but there were never enough Senate votes to convict him.

On Monday, Ms Greene said that she would be back serving on House committees and that “there’s a lot of traitors and criminals that need to be held accountable”.

Mr Flowers, a military veteran, was trying to become the first Democrat to represent the congressional district for 30 years and raised a $15m war chest to try and defeat the incumbent.

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During the race, Mr Flowers told The Independent that he was approached by people in tears who thanked him for trying to beat the populist conservative.

“It’s not hyperbole. It happens every day, literally every day,” Mr Flowers told The Independent.

Earlier on election day, Ms Greene attacked the way ballots are counted across the country.

“Defending democracy is not having elections where mail-in ballots are still counted weeks after Election Day. Or using hackable voting machines & when they break, new voting rules are made but voters (that pay for it) aren’t allowed to say anything. That’s destroying democracy,” she tweeted on Tuesday.