Mike Florio reveals real reason why no team will sign Cam Newton as a backup QB

Mike Florio reveals real reason why no team will sign Cam Newton as a backup QB
Video is cam newton going to the broncos

Cam Newton came into the league in 2011 as the number one overall pick by the Carolina Panthers. From the start, he was a larger-than-life personality who put his name and face out there through TV commercials and a unique fashion sense. He has more rushing touchdowns than any quarterback in NFL history, an MVP award, and a Super Bowl appearance.

After that defeat by the Denver Broncos, however, Newton seemed to have a Super Bowl hangover that never went away. In recent years, he appeared to be a shadow of his former self. In a new interview, Newton blamed himself for getting into “f**ked up” situations. Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk says he doesn’t buy it.

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Here’s what the analyst had to say:

He continued:

In response to this, Chris Simms gave his opinion and ended by saying he couldn’t say for sure that Newton would be on a team in 2022.

To this, Florio replied:

The quarterback seems to be making things worse for himself. Some believe that his difficulty learning a new system eight weeks into the regular season implies there’s a work ethic issue. Calling out the franchise only adds fuel to the fire.

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Cam Newton may end up without a team through his belief that he should be a starter

The fact remains that even in his final years with the Panthers, Newton showed a serious decline. Advancing age could be a factor. So too could the amount of punishment he took as a running quarterback, one that didn’t benefit from the protection others get around the league.

Then there’s the psychological aspect. Working for years to get to the Super Bowl, only to walk away with a loss, takes a huge toll on some quarterbacks. Ryan Tannehill, for example, recently admitted that he sought out therapy after the Titans were knocked out of the playoffs last season.

In the end, Newton is his own worst enemy, just like he recently stated. His refusal to consider a back-up role may be what ends his NFL career for good. We will see if a franchise picks him up as the 2022 season draws closer.

Also Checkout:- Cam Newton Contract

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