Cherie Ying Threatens: “Do Not Flirt With My Husband, Jordan Chan!”

Cherie Ying Threatens: “Do Not Flirt With My Husband, Jordan Chan!”

Married for only two years in Las Vegas, Cherie Ying (应采儿) and Jordan Chan’s (陈小春) marriage may be threatened by a third party! It was rumored that Jordan’s costar in film 3D Sly Marriage <3D诡婚> had sent suggestive text messages and photos to Jordan’s cell phone while filming in Beijing earlier. The suggestive messages were discovered by Cherie, who did not retreat in fear, choosing to boldly expose the flirtatious woman’s actions instead!

In a Weibo blog post, Cherie wrote angrily,”If that woman dares to send more strange text messages or photos to Mr. Chan, I will reveal your name and phone number online! Do you understand?!”

Cherie’s threat in putting an immediate stop to further flirtatious messages sent to her husband, Jordan, drew wide support from the Weibo community. One netizen remarked, “Mrs. Chan’s dominance marks her as the legal wife! She is my idol!”

Regarding the nature of Cherie’s blunt message, her manager stated, “Cherie possesses a straightforward personality and will say whatever is on her mind. This incident obviously made her very angry, prompting her to write such a message on her blog.” Asked whether Jordan Chan was being harassed with the flirtatious text messages, Cherie’s manager replied, “You cannot concretely say that he is being harassed. Cherie did not tell me about this incident, but she has her reason to act this way.”

Identity of Flirtatious Costar Revealed? Although both Cherie and Jordan have remained silent on the identity of his flirtatious costar, it was understood that 3D Sly Marriage star, Julia Jiang (江雨霏) had uploaded an intimate photo with Jordan on January 6th, while writing, “Thank you Jordan for treating me to the lovely lunch!” On February 19th, Julia wrote, “I hope to be a good wife and mother, but where is that man?”

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After increased speculation that Julia was the indeed the fliratious woman who had sent Jordan the suggestive messages, Julia wrote in a February 27th Weibo entry, “I will not explain myself, but instead let my friends describe what type of person I am…. Although my temperament is good, that does not mean I can be stepped upon!” Afterward, Julia wrote, “Due to my poor health, I will officially resign from the entertainment industry starting today…. I will encroach upon a new beginning in life.” As a result, Julia became the prime suspect as the allegedly flirtatious woman who had sent Jordan suggestive messages and photos.

Jordan Loves Cherie

The day before, Jordan and Cherie took a vacation together to celebrate their wedding anniversary while attempting to conceive a baby together. Regarding the entry of a “third party,” Cherie said, “I will not respond further, as I have already issued my stance in my Weibo post! I would like to thank everyone who have shown their support.”

As a man, perhaps being pursued by many woman was a dream come true. It was apparent that Jordan still possessed the charm to attract other women despite being married. However, with Cherie’s strong personality, he may be faced with temptation but unable to act upon it. Asked whether there was an actress who threw herself at him, Jordan replied, “I did not say so, but the only thing I can say is: I love my wife very much!”

Excerpt from,

Jayne: Kudos to Cherie for putting a stop to the fliratious woman overstepping the line. If you discovered someone sending suggestive messages to your boyfriend/ husband, would you call her out in Facebook?

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