Celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in France!

Celebrate the sacredness of your “secular” work in France!

Greg has read all my books and is a loyal subscriber to my devotionals. So when he picked up an early copy of The Sacredness of Secular Work he was pleasantly surprised to discover that, in his own words, “this book touches on some things that no one is talking about.” Including, up until now, me!

Here are just a few of the things I’m sharing for the first time in this book:

  • How the shockingly short history of the man-made term “Great Commission” helps you see how your work matters even when you’re not “sharing the gospel”
  • How every moment you spend at work has the potential to contribute to God’s eternal pleasure
  • Why the pervasive “abridged gospel” and “half truths about heaven” are the chief culprits blocking you from seeing how 100% of your time at work matters to God
  • Why an Anti-Bucket List is the most logical response to Jesus’s concrete promise of eternal rewards on the New Earth
  • How the End Times industry’s “everything’s gonna burn” theology inadvertently accuses Jesus of being a loser rather than Lord and blocks you from seeing the sacredness of your seemingly “secular” work
  • How God’s own work frees us to do work that is playful, fun, and beautiful, but not necessarily “useful”
  • How to scratch-off the 15 marks of the Kingdom of God through any job
  • How to judge your work before God does by asking 10 questions Scripture implies that God will ask to determine your eternal rewards
  • The cold hard evidence that pastors and “full-time missionaries” are much less likely to “make disciples” than mere Christians who work in “secular” jobs
  • Seven ways to effectively make disciples in our post-Christian culture without leaving tracts in the break room
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My hope is that by unpacking these topics and more, you and I can move the “faith and work” conversation forward.

For way too long, many Christians have only thought about how the gospel shapes our “ethics, excellence, and evangelism” at work. But the gospel is far more relevant to our work than that and I think it’s finally time to see how.

And I’m honored that church leaders are saying that The Sacredness of Secular Work is the book that can substantially deepen our understanding of how the gospel shapes our work. Pastor Tom Nelson, a leader in the faith and work movement for decades, says that, “With welcomed theological acumen, unusual clarity and practical wisdom, Jordan Raynor skillfully brushes away the dense overgrowth of an all too prevalent impoverished theology of work.”

I’m confident you will agree!