Nothing to laugh at! Comedienne Kathy Griffin, 53, goes completely nude for raunchy new photo shoot

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By Daily Mail Reporter

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She took to the stage hosting the 2014 Daytime Emmys on Sunday and now Kathy Griffin is showing off a lot more than her stellar comedic abilities.

The 53-year-old dared to bare as she stripped down completely nude for the latest shoot by celebrity photographer Tyler Shields.

Kathy – who has been open about undergoing plastic surgery in the past – left little to the imagination as she sat naked at the edge of a pool exposing her toned back, slender waist and derriere.

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With her fiery locks pulled to the side, the My Life On The D-List star stared off into the distance with her face angled in a seductive profile.

In another photo, she got into the pool and leaned backwards looking at the camera with her arms extended and her bare breasts exposed.

Adding to the racy pics, Kathy got edgy by posing with a large knife against her face as she licked the blade with her tongue and showed off her bright red lips.

For a more artistic shot, Shields opted for a black and white photo of the Suddenly Susan actress, fully dressed and leaning against a mirror while holding up the same knife.

Kathy next lay on a table in a red gown as Tyler was seen holding the camera and taking the photo in the mirror.

The duo appeared to have a great time on the set together as Shields – who has worked with the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Emma Roberts and Demi Lovato – revealed in an interview.

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‘She was one of the best and easiest people to work with,’ the photographer told MailOnline

‘We met through A.J. McLean from the Backstreet Boys and she wanted to outdo him. She wanted to do something iconic.’

On Sunday the comedienne hosted the 41st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.

She looked stunning in a red Halston Heritage dress, a pair of Gucci shoes and jewelry by Erica Courtney.

For the first time in the award show’s history they were not broadcast on television and instead aired only online.

Acknowledging that fact, Griffin took to Twitter following her hosting gig and jokingly wrote, ‘Thanks to all who watched me HOST the #DaytimeEMMYS. I appreciate every click:) ‘