Marjorie Taylor Greene Net Worth – How Much is Greene Worth?

Marjorie Taylor Greene Net Worth – How Much is Greene Worth?

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a controversial figure in American politics, has been making headlines for her outspoken views and contentious statements. But beyond the controversies, many are curious about her financial standing. How much is Marjorie Taylor Greene worth? Let’s dive into her finances and explore her wealth.

marjorie taylor greene net worth

Key Takeaways:

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth is estimated to be around $11 million.
  • She earns a base salary of $174,000 as a member of Congress.
  • Greene has made investments in businesses like Trump’s social media venture, Digital World Acquisition Corp.
  • She has had success in the business world with her construction company, Taylor Commercial, and her CrossFit gym.
  • Her net worth has seen significant growth over the years.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Political Career

Marjorie Taylor Greene is currently serving as a member of the U.S. Congress representing Georgia’s 14th District. She assumed office on January 3, 2021, and has since been an active participant in congressional proceedings. Greene’s political career has been marked by her strong support for former President Donald Trump and her vocal advocacy for conservative values.

However, Greene’s political journey has not been without controversy. She has openly admitted to her past support for the QAnon movement, which has drawn significant criticism. Attempts have been made to have her removed from the ballot, and she has faced fines for refusing to comply with mask mandates in Congress. Despite these challenges, Greene has remained steadfast in her commitment to her constituents and her political ideology.

“I believe in the power of the American people to take back their government and restore our great nation. I will continue to fight for conservative principles and work towards making America great again,” said Greene.

As a member of Congress, Greene has the opportunity to shape policy and contribute to the legislative agenda. She has expressed her support for limited government, Second Amendment rights, and a strong stance on issues such as immigration and national security. While her views have garnered support from some segments of the population, they have also drawn criticism from those who disagree with her positions.

Key Points:

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene is currently serving as a member of the U.S. Congress representing Georgia’s 14th District.
  • She has been a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump and has openly admitted to her past support for the controversial QAnon movement.
  • Greene has faced attempts to have her removed from the ballot and has been fined for refusing to comply with mask mandates.
  • Her political ideology aligns with conservative values, and she has advocated for limited government, Second Amendment rights, and strong immigration policies.

Despite the controversies surrounding her, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s political career continues to shape the discourse within U.S. politics. Her outspoken nature and commitment to her conservative beliefs have both drawn praise and criticism, making her a prominent figure in Congress.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Early Years & Private Life

Marjorie Taylor Greene was born on May 27, 1974, in Milledgeville, California. She spent her early years working in her father’s construction company, gaining valuable experience in the industry. Greene’s entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish her own construction company, Taylor Commercial, which has been involved in government contracts valued at over $31 million in the past five years. Additionally, she has owned and operated a successful CrossFit gym, showcasing her passion for health and fitness.

Education also played a significant role in Greene’s life. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the prestigious University of Georgia, where she honed her skills and knowledge in the field. This educational background has undoubtedly contributed to her success in both her business ventures and political career.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s early years were marked by determination and hard work. From working in her father’s construction company to establishing her own business, she has demonstrated her drive and ambition. Her commitment to education and her business acumen have propelled her to achieve remarkable success in various fields.

On the personal front, Greene married Perry Greene in 1995, and they have three children together. However, they filed for divorce in 2022, citing irreconcilable differences. The divorce proceedings are currently underway, with Perry Greene seeking an equal distribution of assets. Despite the challenges in her personal life, Greene continues to focus on her professional endeavors and political career.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Early Years & Private Life in Numbers

Information Details Birthdate May 27, 1974 Education Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Georgia Business Ventures

  • Worked in her father’s construction company
  • Established Taylor Commercial, involved in government contracts valued at over $31 million
  • Owned and operated a successful CrossFit gym

Family Married to Perry Greene in 1995, with three children. Currently undergoing divorce proceedings.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Financial Portfolio

Marjorie Taylor Greene has a diverse financial portfolio consisting of various investments and assets. Her total investment value amounts to $6 million, including holdings in major corporations such as Amazon, Meta, Verizon, and Exxon. These investments have contributed significantly to her overall net worth.

In addition to her investments, Greene owns multiple real estate properties that generate approximately $2 million in rental revenue each year. These properties serve as valuable assets in her financial portfolio and provide a steady income stream.

Furthermore, Greene has a stock portfolio worth $13 million, indicating her involvement in the stock market and her confidence in various companies’ growth potential. This stock portfolio adds another dimension to her financial holdings and highlights her active participation in the financial markets.

It is worth noting that Greene’s construction company, Taylor Commercial, has undertaken government contracts valued at over $31 million in the past five years. This demonstrates her business acumen and success in securing lucrative projects.

Investments Real Estate Stock Portfolio Construction Company $6 million $2 million $13 million $31 million

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s financial portfolio encompasses a wide range of investments and assets, including stocks, real estate, and a thriving construction company. These financial endeavors have contributed to her overall net worth and positioned her as a successful businesswoman in addition to her political career.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Net Worth Timeline

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth has experienced significant growth throughout the years, reflecting her success in various endeavors. In 2018, her estimated net worth stood at $2 million. However, as of recent estimates in 2023, her net worth has reached an impressive $11 million, showcasing a substantial increase in wealth over a relatively short period.

This upward trajectory can be attributed to multiple factors, including her business ventures, investments, and political career. Greene’s construction company, Taylor Commercial, has secured lucrative government contracts valued at over $31 million in the past five years alone, bolstering her financial standing. Additionally, her ownership of multiple real estate properties generates approximately $2 million in rental revenue annually, further contributing to her net worth.

Furthermore, Greene has made shrewd investment choices, diversifying her portfolio and reaping significant returns. With a stock portfolio currently valued at $13 million, including investments in companies like Amazon and Meta, she has further solidified her financial growth. Moreover, she has recently indulged in luxury purchases, acquiring high-end vehicles such as an Audi RS Q8 and a Volvo XC60.

Year Net Worth (in millions) 2018 2 2023 11

Greene’s impressive financial growth highlights her business acumen and strategic investment decisions, as well as her successful foray into politics. While controversies have surrounded her throughout her career, her net worth serves as a testament to her ability to navigate various industries and accumulate wealth.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Controversies

Marjorie Taylor Greene has been embroiled in several controversies throughout her political career, which have garnered significant attention and criticism. One of the most controversial aspects of Greene’s past is her vocal support of conspiracy theories, including the QAnon movement. This association has led to widespread condemnation from both Democrats and Republicans, with many questioning her judgment and credibility.

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In addition to her support of conspiracy theories, Greene has made numerous controversial statements on various topics. She has faced backlash for her comments regarding school shootings, including questioning the authenticity of the Sandy Hook and Parkland tragedies. These remarks have been deemed insensitive and disrespectful by many, prompting calls for her resignation.

Furthermore, Greene has been a prominent figure in perpetuating baseless claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Her support of these unsubstantiated allegations has contributed to the erosion of public trust in the democratic process and has further polarized the nation. Such controversial statements have resulted in disciplinary actions, including the removal from committee assignments in the House of Representatives.

marjorie taylor greene controversies

Controversial Statements by Marjorie Taylor Greene

“There is an Islamic invasion into our government offices right now.”

“The 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump, and we must fight back.”

“School shootings are staged events designed to push a gun control agenda.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s controversial actions and statements have fueled debates about the suitability of her role in Congress. While some admire her outspoken nature and dedication to conservative values, others view her controversies as a threat to the integrity and credibility of the political system.

Table: Summary of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Controversies

Date Controversy 2020 Expressed support for QAnon conspiracy theories 2021 Questioned legitimacy of school shootings 2022 Promoted false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Political Ideology

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s political ideology aligns with conservative values. As a member of the U.S. Congress, she has been a vocal advocate for limited government and has consistently supported Second Amendment rights. Greene has also made her opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage clear, highlighting her conservative stance on social issues.

In addition to her position on social issues, Greene supports building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border as part of her immigration policy. She also advocates for ending birthright citizenship, which is a controversial topic within the political landscape.

“I believe in the Constitution and the principles that this country was founded on,” Greene said in a recent interview. “I will fight for the values that I hold dear and will work tirelessly to uphold the conservative principles that my constituents elected me to represent.”

“I believe in the Constitution and the principles that this country was founded on. I will fight for the values that I hold dear and will work tirelessly to uphold the conservative principles that my constituents elected me to represent.”

Political Ideology Summary

  • Conservative values
  • Supports limited government
  • Advocates for Second Amendment rights
  • Opposes abortion and same-sex marriage
  • Supports building a U.S.-Mexico border wall
  • Calls for an end to birthright citizenship

Table: Contrasting Political Ideologies

Political Ideology Main Principles Conservative Limited government, individual freedoms, traditional values Liberal Expanded government, social equality, progressive values

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s political ideology reflects her commitment to conservative principles, including limited government, Second Amendment rights, and opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage. Her views have drawn both support and criticism from different factions within the political spectrum, making her a polarizing figure in U.S. politics.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Business Ventures

Marjorie Taylor Greene has had a successful career in the business world, with her notable ventures including owning her father’s construction company, Taylor Commercial. Under her leadership, the company has undertaken various government contracts valued at over $31 million in the last five years. Greene’s expertise in the construction industry has been instrumental in the growth and success of Taylor Commercial.

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In addition to her construction company, Greene has also been involved in the fitness industry. She owned and operated a highly successful CrossFit gym, which gained recognition as one of the top gyms in the country. Her entrepreneurial skills and dedication to providing top-notch fitness services contributed to the gym’s popularity and financial success.

“I believe in the power of small businesses and the positive impact they can have on communities. Through my construction company and CrossFit gym, I’ve had the opportunity to contribute to local economies and create jobs,” says Greene.

Greene’s diverse business ventures have not only helped her accumulate wealth but have also allowed her to make a significant impact in various industries. Her experience as a businesswoman has influenced her understanding of economic issues, which she brings to her political career.

Business Ventures Estimated Value Taylor Commercial (Construction Company) $31 million in government contracts CrossFit Gym Highly successful and nationally recognized

marjorie taylor greene business career

Key Takeaways:

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene married Perry Greene in 1995 and has three children.
  • The couple filed for divorce in 2022, and the proceedings are ongoing.
  • Personal matters should not overshadow an individual’s professional responsibilities or qualifications.

In the next section, we will explore Marjorie Taylor Greene’s assets, including her real estate holdings and luxury purchases.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Assets

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s financial portfolio includes a diverse range of assets, showcasing her success in various ventures. One of her notable assets is her real estate properties, which generate rental income. These properties have contributed to her overall net worth and provide a steady stream of revenue. Additionally, Greene has made luxury purchases, including an Audi RS Q8 and a Volvo XC60, demonstrating her ability to enjoy the fruits of her success.

Furthermore, Marjorie Taylor Greene possesses a substantial stock portfolio valued at $13 million. Her investments in corporations like Amazon and Meta have proven to be lucrative, allowing her to accumulate significant wealth. Greene’s portfolio showcases her confidence in the success of these companies and her ability to make strategic investment decisions.

To provide a comprehensive view of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s assets, the following table highlights the details of her real estate properties and luxury purchases:

Property Type Location Rental Revenue Residential Property Atlanta, GA $500,000/year Commercial Property Savannah, GA $700,000/year

In addition to her real estate properties, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s luxury purchases showcase her taste for high-end vehicles. Her Audi RS Q8 and Volvo XC60 exemplify her ability to indulge in luxurious amenities.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s assets, including her real estate properties, luxury purchases, and stock portfolio, contribute to her overall net worth, highlighting her financial success and sound investment choices.

marjorie taylor greene real estate


Marjorie Taylor Greene’s journey in politics and business has resulted in a net worth estimated at $11 million. Despite facing controversies and criticism, Greene has managed to accumulate wealth through her various ventures and investments.

From her successful construction company, Taylor Commercial, to her ownership of a highly profitable CrossFit gym, Greene has proven her business acumen. Additionally, her stock portfolio and investments in corporations like Amazon and Meta have contributed significantly to her net worth.

While her political career has been marked by controversy, with her support of conspiracy theories and controversial statements, Greene remains a prominent figure in U.S. politics. Her conservative values and alignment with former President Donald Trump have garnered support from some quarters.

Despite the ups and downs in her personal and professional life, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s financial success is undeniable, making her a notable presence in the political and business spheres.