Did Marjorie Taylor Greene Really Audition for ‘American Idol’? (Video)

Did Marjorie Taylor Greene once have aspirations of becoming a rock star? A video making its way around social media of what appears to be the Republican representative from Georgia auditioning for “American Idol” has many believing the answer to that question is a resounding “yes!”

The viral footage posted Sunday on Twitter by Far Left Kyle shows an animated, energetic blonde writhing and shaking her booty backstage at auditions for Season 1 of “American Idol.” The caption reads, “Marjorie Taylor Greene’s try out for the first season of American Idol under a stage name lmao. What a loser.”

When the camera zooms in on her face, it really does look like her. But then she introduces herself.

“I’m Stefanie Sugarman, and I’m from Alta Loma, California,” she says. “And my biggest worry right now is telling work how I’m going to miss Monday. Calling in sick. Sorry, boss!”

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Once in front of the judges – Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson – the rambunctious Sugarman said she was “in marketing for cheese. I sell provolone and mozzerella.” Then came the singing. “Knockin’ Da Boots,” to be specific, when her unrestrained kookiness showed itself pretty robustly. Let’s just say, she didn’t make it to the next round.

So, is it Taylor Greene using a fake name or just someone who looks an awful lot like her and, honestly, who has the same wild energy? The Georgia rep hasn’t commented one way or another about it just yet.

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Although lots – and LOTS – of people on social media thought it was, indeed, Taylor Greene performing under a stage name, the fact is, according to TMZ, there really is a Stefanie Sugarman out there, who has roots in the Alta Loma and San Bernardino county area and whose date of birth matches up to what Sugarman shared with “Idol” producers (1979).

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Taylor Greene, on the other hand, was born in Georgia in 1974 (five years older than Sugarman). Other than MTG’s slight Southern accent, their speaking voices are similar.

Check out the video in the embedded tweet below and see what you think.

Also Read:Trevor Noah Mocks Marjorie Taylor Greene for Praying With Fake Jan. 6 Rioter at CPAC: ‘Who Is This Lady?’ (Video)