Brittany Mahomes expresses regret over showering Chiefs fans with champagne in 2022

Brittany Mahomes expresses regret over showering Chiefs fans with champagne in 2022
Video patrick mahomes wife throwing champagne

Brittany Mahomes became a household name after her high school sweetheart husband, Patrick Mahomes, won two Super Bowl titles. Even though she saw a rapid rise to fame, she rapidly became an antihero as well, especially after her champagne celebration.

In January 2022, the Kansas City Chiefs edged out the Buffalo Bills in the AFC divisional round. The matchup was an iconic one and was even dubbed as the “Super Bowl” of the NFL playoffs. Therefore, to celebrate, the former soccer player decided to shower cold champagne on the fans from her private suit.

Although such an action was fired out of excitement and sincerity, fans did not take pleasure in seeing Brittany Mahomes pour champagne in a celebratory spirit.

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When asked if she had a “welcome-to-the-NFL” moment, she mentioned this anecdote:

The co-owner of the K.C. Current received a high amount of criticism from fans who thought of her as an inconsiderate person who splashed cold champagne on fans during a chilly night.

Brittany Mahomes designed special T-shirts for a genuine cause

As fans kept roasting and opposing her for her actions, the mother of two decided to print “Team Brittany” T-shirts and sell them to her fans. She and her team also informed that the proceeds from the shirts would go to a local Kansas City anti-bullying charity.

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After her viral champagne splashing moment, she expressed her thoughts on Twitter:

Brittany continues to be criticized for her actions on social media. However, after the release of the Netflix documentary series, “Quarterback,” football fans are changing their views toward the fitness enthusiast. They understood that Patrick Mahomes chose Brittany Mahomes because she provides a stable support system for him and his children.

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