WATCH: Saints legend Drew Brees turns back the clock to lead “Who Dat” chant at Superdome

WATCH: Saints legend Drew Brees turns back the clock to lead “Who Dat” chant at Superdome
Video saints who dat drew brees

Drew Brees is known throughout the Bayou as, not only the quarterback who brought the very first Super Bowl to the New Orleans Saints, but also as one of the key individuals who aided the city’s rebuilding efforts after the massive damage caused by Hurricane Katrina back in August of 2005.

Last night, fans had an opportunity to give something back to Brees. The legendary Saints quarterback, who retired at the end of last season, is now an analyst with NBC for Sunday Night Football.

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The broadcast last night was the Buffalo Bills vs. the New Orleans Saints. Although the Saints lost by a score of 31-6, the fans at Caeser’s Superdome got a chance to celebrate their former leader with a halftime tribute.

WATCH: Drew Brees leads Saints fans with “Who Dat” chant throughout the Superdome

For those that know, and even for those that don’t, the chant “Who Dat” is the rallying cry for New Orleans Saints fans. When opponents hear chants of “Who Dat” in the Superdome, it’s never a good thing for their respective teams.

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Brees certainly elicited nostalgic feelings for fans as he took to the field, once again, in the Superdome, albeit this time sharply dressed in a suit. Despite losing the game, fans had the chance to show Brees the love and respect he deserved, and Brees reciprocated the admiration by leading chants of “Who Dat.”

Drew Brees is a living legend in the city of New Orleans

Back in 2005, the city of New Orleans, which is still feeling the effects of the hurricane to this very day, was literally under water, and the citizens were facing immense physical, mental, and emotional turmoil.

Enter Drew Brees.

On March 14, 2006, Brees signed a six-year, $60 million deal to become the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints. The signing took place in the midst of the city’s tragic situation following Hurricane Katrina.

Brees was often front and center, donating his own personal money and his free time. He has been seen by many local residents helping to clean up the city.

It’s one thing to simply donate money to help a specific cause. It’s another thing to go out and physically participate and help in the community.

Drew Brees has endeared himself to the community and the city of New Orleans.

The retired quarterback received a well-deserved tribute at halftime, which is enough to make you say “Who Dat.”

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